Vitamins For Hair Loss - 3 Vitamins For Hair Loss Prevention
Hair Loss VitaminsMore and more people suffer from hair loss nowadays. Both men and women lose hairs every day as part of the hair growth cycle, and this is normal. However, when the loss of hair at a faster rate than it can be replaced, then it may become a problem.
Vitamins have an important role in hair loss prevention. Deficiency of vitamins is one of the reasons to lose hair. Here we talk about 3 vitamins that can help you in the promotion of hair growth.
- Trace Mineral Silica
Trace mineral silica is the most important vitamins when it comes to healthy hair. Unfortunately, this vitamin usually absent from most American diets due to the way of most western civilizations cook and process their foods.
It's important to supplement our diet with silica as silica alone may help us more than other vitamins combined because silica helps utilize several other nutrients. Magnesium, phosphorus, boron, fluorine, copper, zinc, strontium and manganese all benefit from silica supplementation.
- Iodine
The other important vitamin for healthy hair is iodine. However, not all kinds of iodine are good for healthy hair. You can always get the right iodine from cow's milk, boiled eggs, mozzarella cheese, yogurt (low fat) and strawberries.
- Zinc
Zinc is quite important when it comes to tissue growth and hair growth. Zinc can helps to secrete the scalp with much needed oil and avoid dandruff that may cause you to lose hair. Additionally, zinc also helps with the absorption of other nutrients that you eat.
Hair loss can be a shame for someone especially for women. It's better we eat enough vitamins for hair loss prevention. Those who already suffer from hair loss can always try some proven hair loss products or meet the specialists for some advices.
There is a hair loss product that contains the vitamins stated above called Provillus. Kelvin, the author invite you to visit his site for the review of this product at
Author - C.Kelvin