There are many things that can help one to deal with hair loss. Many people want to avoid the side effects of some of the prescribed treatments and as a result they turn to natural treatments and nutritional supplements. These supplements can include one or more of the following vitamins that are known to benefit hair loss. Minerals are often included in vitamin supplements as well.
B-complex vitamins play a big part in keeping skin and hair healthy. Biotin helps to produce keratin. This may help to keep your hair from going gray and from falling out. It is found in Brewer's yeast, whole grains, egg yolk, liver, rice, and milk. The daily recommended dose is 150 to 300 micromilligrams (mcg).
Niacin (B3) helps to maintain good circulation in the scalp. Food sources for Niacin include Brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat. The recommended dosage is 15 mg. A word of caution: taking over 25 mg daily can cause Niacin Flush. This is a temporary heat sensation due to the blood cells becoming dilated.
B6 helps to avoid hair loss and helps to make melanin - the chemical that provides color to your hair. It is found in Brewer's Yeast also. Liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats, and egg yolks are also sources of vitamin B6. The recommended dose is 1.6 mg daily. High doses can cause numbness in your hands and feet.
B5-Pantothenic Acid prevents grayness and hair loss. It is found in food sources such as whole grain cereals, Brewer's Yeast, organ meats, and egg yolks. The recommended dose is 4 to 7 mg daily. Finally, B12 works to prevent the loss of hair. It is found in chicken, fish, eggs, and milk. The daily dose that is recommended is 2 mg.
Vitamins A, C, and E are all antioxidants. Vitamin A makes health sebum in the scalp and can be gotten in fish liver oils, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, carrots, apricots, and peaches. The recommended dose is 5,000 IUs. More than 25,000 IUs can cause hair loss which is what you are trying to prevent. It can be very toxic and cause other problems.
Vitamin C helps to maintain healthy hair and skin. It can be found in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes, and dark green vegetables. The recommended dose is 60 mg daily. Vitamin E helps to improve circulation and is found in cold-pressed vegetable oils, wheat germ oil, soy beans, raw seeds and nuts, and dried beans. The recommended dose is up to 400 IUs daily. Take note that it can raise your blood pressure, so check with a physician before including it in your regimen. It can also decrease blood clotting.
Zinc and Magnesium contribute to healthy hair. Magnesium supports chemical action and interaction in the body, aids with energy metabolism as well as bone and hair health. Zinc supports a strong immune system. It aids cellular division that is very important to have healthy skin, hair and nails.
Vitamins are necessary to help us maintain over-all good health. Vitamin B-Complex vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, and E help to treat hair loss. In supplement form, you will often find minerals included such as Zinc and Magnesium known to benefit hair loss.
Hair Loss VitaminsJean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy [] that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at: []