Have you read about this recently? Studies have shown that taking vitamins for hair loss can be a good strategy if you want to stem the fall of hair from your head. Let's find out now which vitamins are the best options for you if you are suffering from this seemingly incurable problem.
First things first. Before talking about the effective vitamins for hair loss, let's first understand the basic cause of baldness.
The reasons for a loss of hair can be broadly classified into two categories, both for men as well as women:
1) Hair fall due to changes in the body or external factors
If you are suffering from certain types of illnesses or have had a major surgery, then you can lose your hair because of it. Even the strong medications used in treating life threatening diseases like cancer can cause severe hair loss.
Hormonal changes in the body, that happen in women when they are pregnant or going through menopause, can also lead to loss of hair.
The hair loss experienced due to these factors is usually temporary in nature and doesn't require any medication.
2) Genetic Factors
If you are losing your hair due to your genes, then it becomes a more serious problem. This kind of baldness - be it FPB (Female Pattern baldness) or MPB (Male Pattern Baldness) - needs to be properly treated to be brought under control.
One way to keep your hair healthy and to control their rate of falling is to ensure your body is nourished and gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs.
Vitamin B Complex plays an especially important role in keeping your hair growth rate, healthy. It is also a water soluble vitamin, so there is no danger of it getting accumulated in your body like vitamin A. Whole grains, eggs, fish and nuts are rich sources for this family of vitamins.
Vitamin C can also be counted amongst the vitamins for hair loss. It is very beneficial in keeping your hair follicles nourished and healthy. This helps in keeping you hair growth running smoothly and limits the spread of baldness on the scalp.
If you really want to turbo charge your hair growth efforts, then Minoxidil can help you here. This is an FDA approved ingredient and is very effective at inhibiting the androgen hormone in the body which is responsible for hair loss.
Make no mistake about it. Taking the right vitamins for hair loss and supplementing them with effective ingredients, is the simplest way to get back a full head of hair.
Try it and see.
Hair Loss VitaminsGeorge Hart is a researcher of hair loss issues affecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy that George recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options, visit the web site http://thehaircaresolution.com.