Examine Hair Loss and Growth much more

Hair Loss

Hair Loss is a common problem that affects people from all walks of life. It can affect you at any age, irrespective of whether you are a man, woman or even a child. So what do we know about balding and hair growth. Below are some commonly known facts.

There are three phases in the life of a hair:

- Anagen phase: This is the initial hair growth stage where the hair grows in 3 to 7 years.

- Catagen phase: This is where the growth is halted and the process takes 1 to two weeks. You can say that the growth has completely stopped.

- And the telogen phase: At this stage, the dead hair remains attached to the scalp for 3 months before it starts falling

How to recognize normal or abnormal hair loss:

"Normal" Loss

You can think of a full head of hair to be like a forest whereby they grow, live and die. The dead hair fall and are typically replaced by young hair. It is considered that loss of up to 50-100 hairs per day can be normal. So if you see such volumes of loss, there is nothing to be worried about.

Abnormal Loss

In some cases, hair loss exceeds 50 to 100 hairs a day and you can consider that this as a hair loss disease. There can be a number of factors that affect hair loss and these can be both natural as well as unnatural.

The problem can affect many different people

Hair loss can take many different forms:

Hair baldness can:

· affect everyone including children, adults, men and women

· be either moderate or severe and can affect all or part of the scalp

The problem may be accompanied by different signs...

There are many signs that accompany hair loss including:

oily hair
brittle hair
fine hair
films or crusts

These signs all have their importance in determining the causes of baldness and the factors contributing or exacerbating balding.

Professional consultation for the problem:

In order to determine the exact cause of baldness, a sufferer may require a medical consultation to determine the cause. This can mean the need for a blood test to determine the cause and to develop a treatment for balding. It is important that the sufferer seeks advice and consultation from qualified and experienced professionals who have a proven track record in treating sufferers in the industry.

If you feel that you have excessive hair falling, then try a natural treatment to stop hair loss in order to grow hair back.

Hair Loss and Growth

Hair Loss