Many people do not consider, or are not aware, of the potential for vitamins to regrow hair. A lot of people who are suffering from hair loss may be completely unaware of how their diet, or how lack of proper vitamins and nutrients, can affect their bodies. A number of people who are losing their hair may believe their problems are due to genetics -- and many may be right -- but not everyone suffering from hair loss does so due to a genetic predisposition to lose hair.
For many men (and women), losing one's hair can be very embarrassing. As a result, there's a huge variety of treatments, products, et cetera, all promising to put an end to hair loss -- but unfortunately, not all of them follow through on this. In fact, most of these products simply do not work. There are some that are effective, but they can be hard to find, if you do not know what you are looking for. People who are losing their hair may, unfortunately, spend lots of money on hair loss treatments, when the cure they are looking for could be in their own bathroom cupboard.
The truth is, hair loss can actually be caused by a vitamin deficiency. Studies have shown that animals experience faster and fuller hair growth when taking doses of vitamins and nutrients that include Vitamin A, Vitamin B-complex, folic acid, inositol, biotin, magnesium, zinc, et cetera. However, take away these important nutrients, and the effects can be reversed. It has been found that a deficiency in magnesium can cause patchy hair loss, whereas a deficiency in biotin and inositol can cause total and complete hair loss. On the other hand, taking too much of a vitamin -- such as Vitamin A -- can cause one to lose their hair as well, so it's a good idea to try to find a happy medium.
If you find that you are starting to lose your hair, make a trip to the doctor, because it may be a vitamin deficiency. Your doctor will perform a simple blood test and you will have your results within a relatively short time frame. Many people may believe that vitamins will not help them with their losing hair, but depending on your condition, it is possible to use vitamins to regrow hair.
Hair Loss VitaminsRuri Ranbe is a part-time freelance writer. She has written related articles on hair loss, including: Vitamins for Hair Loss and Vitamins for Hair Growth