Hair loss vitamins are no joke - they often work better than drugs in not only arresting hair loss but also encouraging new hairs to grow from dormant follicles. In this article, I'll give you a quick rundown on the best vitamins to take if you want your hair back.
This is one of the many B vitamins. Taking a supplement or eating foods plentiful in it will stave off graying hair and prevent hair loss. Liver is particular rich in it.
Vitamin H
Also called biotin, this helps to metabolise fatty acids which is an important process in hair creation. You can find it in cooked eggs and milk.
Vitamin E
This enhances scalp circulation which is absolutely necessary to nutrify the hair follicle. As we age, hair follicle become malnutritioned so you can see that this vitamin counteracts the process and stops hair loss. It can be found in many seeds, nuts and beans.
The best way is to take a supplement. However, speak to your doctor first if are currently taking blood pressure drugs or anticoagulants.
Vitamin B3
Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 is another vitamin that promotes scalp circulation. It is plentiful in fish and poultry. A good daily dose is 15mg.
This is a very important B vitamin. Many hair scientists who run private clinics will prescribe this to their clients. Not only can it arrest hair loss but it can also regrow hair from follicles that have been dormant for 3 years or less. If your hair was lost from bald patches over ten years ago then it will not be as helpful.
Hair Loss VitaminsDon't want to go bald? Get the facts on hair loss and how to successfully reverse it here: Hair Loss Library.